The Lion's Tail


Edison is known for a lot of things. The wizard of Menlo Park. The giver of the light. The inventor. A man of such accomplishment though, had a very interesting thing to say about human knowledge, at its height in the nineteenth century.
“We don’t know 1% of a millionth of anything.”
A millionth.
We have discovered so much in the last 1000 years. The movement of the planet's, radiation, waves, particles, duality, microorganisms, batteries, we have filled libraries and archives with volumes of scientific text, outlining the vast understanding we have the universe we reside in.
We know much, and yet we are completely clueless. We cannot gauge just how we much we know, for two reasons. One, knowledge is hardly quantifiable, because uniqueness and rearrangement are far too indistinguishable. And the second, more important one is, we don’t know how much there is to know. We have no idea where the realm of possible pursuit ends. And this very fact, makes our cluelessness evermore profound.
In Einstein’s thoughts, we think we have seen the whole snake, but what we don’t realize is that what we have seen is the tail of a lion.
The lion is our hunt. The find to be found. The cause of the fuss.
UC Berkeley Professor of Physics Dr. Michio Kaku believes this lion is in the higher dimensions. Other believe that the mysterious dark matter is where the jungle is. No one really knows.

How exciting is that?

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