Why the egg came first: On the origin of species.


Evolution is a weird puzzling thing. Looking at examples of evolution is so infinitely counter-intuitive, it is impossible to settle. Every time I hear something in biology class, like 'cacti have leaves in the shape of thorns to prevent water loss', I am perplexed. How does that comply in any conceivable respect? Prevention of transpiration is not the reason for this adaptation, it is an advantage.
Or is it?
It is inexplicable, why evolution and adaptations are not taught this way in our education system, it is straightforward, simple, and makes satisfying intuitive sense. Take the example of developing eyes. Early aquatic animals had no eyes, no form of visual connect, the term 'see' was meaningless. So did they just wake up one day with eyes? Well, strangely enough, yeah. They did. Imagine a tiny sightless organism swimming in the water, swimming away from predators it could barely see. A genetic mutation occurs, an offspring is born with a light-sensitive protein on the front, unlikely but brilliant, so wild a cloak and dagger, and now, that one organism has a higher chance of being able to survive in the savage ocean. A higher chance of reproducing offsprings with the same hereditary protein, which once agin has a higher survival chance than its blind mates. Slowly, the population of the not blind organism prevail, and an evolutionary phase is brought to an end.
The chicken as we know it is a flightless biped, which had one significant selective advantage over its evolutionary predecessor. This advantage was created in one embryo inside of an egg, which began the grand paradigm shift of not chicken, to chicken. Hence, the egg, did, in fact, come first. We will never talk about this again. Ever.
So there, this is why we are not apes (biologists will get this joke). 
Another thing. I grew up wondering whether we humans will ever evolve anymore. Since all of the factors that take our lives before we can reproduce are insurmountable (aside perhaps disease), this should mean we are evolutionary pinnacles, or that we will never evolve anymore. Well, at least not naturally.

I'm Daksh Gupta, and as always, never stop asking questions.

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