Star Wars: Science or bust?


So I watched the first day first show of Star Wars Episode VII yesterday. First things first, I am a huge Star Wars fan, and I loved the new movie. But, there were some technical issues with the movie. So in the spirit of Christmas, let's begin.

1. Light is too slow. 
Laser beam blasters are a star wars staple. But, lasers should ideally travel at light speed, but they look very slow on screen. With adobe premiere's frame counting feature, I was able to figure out that on screen, with respect to the size of the ships, the beam travelled at around 300m/s.
A million time slower than light speed. Star Wars radicals may argue that if you see it form a distance, the beam appears to travel slower. But a million times? In the diagram shown below, I was able to figure out that for the numbers to check out, the light beam will hve to be a million meters, or a 100,000 kilometres away from the X-Wing.

I could not possibly imagine Poe Dameron to be a million metres away from the war. That's a pretty Finn thing to do.

2. Millennium Falcon is too fast.
As I have previously said, nothing can travel faster than light.
Prepare the jump to lightspeed Chewie!

Well, that's all folks, I should probably hide under the bed before Star Wars fanboys attack my house with forks and torches. Or lightsabers and blasters for that matter.

Merry Christmas y'all, and may the force be with you!

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