Ystrthursday: The Omphalos Hypothesis Chronicles


Religion became what it is known for today, being unscientific and devoid of logic and reason, when people stopped questioning it. When people started taking religious facts for granted. When people stopped asking questions. A fear of a similar fate dwindles science today. If science does not evolve, it will be obsolete. That  is why it is vital to science to ask questions. Physics in particular has seen itself being taken for granted. Facts after facts are being blindly accepted, ignorance, is poisoning physics. There is only one antidote. Questions. The Omphalos Hypothesis, popularly known as the ideology  of 'Last Thursdayism' is one such question. It is the hypothesis that considers the possibility that the universe was born last thursday. All the stars with their light in transit was strategically placed this way. The universe was made to look old. Sounds impossible. At first. We may never prove this theory. But the thing of interest here is how, if this were to hold true, it would destroy physics as we know it. This theory gels in just as well with the rest of physics as the theory that the universe was started 14 billion years ago. So why did we choose one over the other?
Was it convenience? Was it just too much of a mathematical hassle to go with the other theory.
Or was it worse? Was it because of the great delusion? Did we instinctively choose this one because it 'kinda made more sense'. 
I am Daksh Gupta and as always, never stop asking questions.

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