Where common sense is useless.


The wonders of the quantum world.

Let's lay down some simple truths.

Things cannot vanish, or just disappear into thin air, by the second law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation.

Things can't appear out of nowhere for the same reasons.

Nothing can be at two places at the same time.

And then, there is quantum mechanics.
LOL. I'm too quantum for that.

Yeah. We have common sense. That's what tells us about all these facts above. So let's get rid of this presumption parasite. For that, we have to super small. Billions of times smaller than we are right now. By a few billion times. At this level. Here, common sense is like orkut. It works at first, and then Zuckerberg happens. Let's stand next to a hydrogen atom. Remember electrons? Those funny negative balls that stay in shells? You were told that they revolve around the nucleus, and they stay in their shells. If you are going to say this to a particle physicist, make sure there's nothing around that is throwable. They don't stay in there shell, and they are not balls. They are not  definite structures that revolve the nucleus, 'they' are actually just a weird fuzz around the nucleus. They also suddenly disappear from shell and magically appear in another one.

It's like going from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, and not existing on the way.
In your face thermodynamics. Well, actually, thermodynamics is not violated. Yet.
So that's common sense folks. Wait, look at the animation again. Notice that red wave? That's energy. In some form. A simple rule is that electrons go to a higher shell when they get energy and a lower shell when they lose energy. They also exist at two or more places at the same time.

That's all for today.

"The thing about homework is, it demands to be done."
-Eve Ryhighs Choolkid

I am Daksh Gupta, and as always, never stop  asking questions.

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